Bas van Haren

Get to know me


Digital technology is central to our lives. Digital problems often require a ditto solution. However, it is not only technology that contributes to this solution. All my working life I have been intrigued by another side of the solution: the human side. Within technology, ranging from gaming to e-learning to web development, I have been concerned with matters ranging from usability to project management to strategy. Always focused on the process, the organization and the end-user. I am proud to be a tech-head - with a human heart.

Bas van Haren-Suarez

My name is Bas van Haren-Suarez, but please, do call me Bas. I have been in existence for

Work & Education

  • Based in The Hague, The Netherlands
  • Currently Agile Coach & Scrum Master at RailCube
  • Formerly Scrum Master & Project Manager at Flink
  • Formerly Digital Strategy & Digital Producer at WUBBE/Fox on the Run
  • Formerly Senior Project Manager at MAD multimedia
  • Former chairman at Genius, Dutch network of LGBT+ professionals
  • Experienced digital producer and digital project manager
  • Educated in user-centered design, usability and educational technology
  • Years of professional experience in applied gaming and gamification
  • Experienced speaker (speeches, guest lectures, TEDx, symposia, workshops, master classes, pecha kucha's, officiating weddings)
  • I love to write blogs, reviews and columns (check some work here)


  • Agile Coach & Scrum Master (RailCube, 2022 - now)
  • Scrum Master & Project Manager (Flink, 2019 - 2022)
  • Digital Strategy & Digital Producer (WUBBE, 2013 - 2019)
  • Freelance digital consultant (KINGMAKER, -previously known as Plus Ultra Consultancy-, 2014 - 2019)
  • Guest lecturer, moderator, presenter (various, 2006 - now)
  • (Senior) Project manager (MAD multimedia, 2006 - 2013)


  • Founder and leader of an MMORPG guild in Final Fantasy XIV (M.E.G.A., 2018 - 2021)
  • Chairman (Genius LGBT+ professionals network, 2016 - 2019)
  • Organisation of charity event 'Genius Open 2015' (Genius LGBT+ professionals network, 2015)
  • Board member, chairman of communication (Genius LGBT+ professionals network, 2015 - 2016)
  • Freelance video game reviewer (Game&Co, 2013)
  • Blogger Creative (Adformatie, 2013 - 2015)
  • Founder Taskforce Diversity (Genius LGBT+ professionals network, 2013)


  • Premaster Educational Science and Technology (University of Twente, 2010 - 2012)
  • Bachelor Human Technology (Hanze University of Applied Sciences, 2002 - 2006)

Focus on

Scrum mastership and agile coaching, systems thinking and problem solving, project- and team leadership, digital strategy/consultancy, public speaking

If you would like more information, please contact me and I will gladly supply you with all the information you need. In the meantime you can check out my LinkedIn profile.


  • Chief researcher and project manager of the first e-learning gaming platform in Dutch healthcare (Gaming in de Zorg, 2006)
  • Became project manager at MAD multimedia and in this function worked for a variety of projects for clients, such as: ANWB, Sanoma, Nationale Postcode Loterij, VRT, Ketnet, Telegraaf and Noordhoff Uitgevers (MAD multimedia, 2006-2013)
  • Guest lecturer at various schools and institutes (IMC Weekendschool, Alfa College, Hanze UAS, University of Twente: from 2007)
  • Conceptual creator of the popular viral internet-hit "Binnenhof Battle" (2010, 2012)
  • Project leader and co-designer of the addictive OCTOPUZZLE™ game (2012)
  • Operational project leader of the team behind the multiple award-winning Wii-game for blind and sighted children (The Explorer and the Mystery of the Diamond Scarab, 2012)
  • Speaker at TEDxHanzeUniversity ("The Power of Play", 2012)
  • Moderator/presenter at Indie Gameleon 2013, the first Northern Dutch game event/game jam
  • Became digital producer, strategist and blogger at WUBBE and Fox on the Run and in this function worked for a variety of projects for clients, such as: Colgate-Palmolive, Fleurop, Verstegen, Bram Ladage and Vemedia (Fox on the Run, 2013 - 2015)
  • Blogger for (2014)
  • Member of the board and chief communication at Genius, a network organization for LGBT+ professionals (2015 - 2019)
    • Responsible for the new website, proposition and corporate identity
  • Part of the organizing team of 'Genius Open 2015', a charity and recruitment event (2015)
  • Started as Digital Strategy and Operations Director at digital agency Fox on the Run and Wubbe (2015 - 2019)
    • Digital Strategy for various Fleurop campaigns (2015 - 2019)
    • Digital Strategy for "De Echte Notaris" (2018/2019)
  • Named chairman at Genius, a network organization for LGBT+ professionals (2016 - 2019)
  • A personal highlight: I officiated a wedding! (2017)
  • Founder and leader of M.E.G.A., a MMORPG guild in Final Fantasy XIV on the Omega server (2018 - 2021)
  • Started as Scrum Master and Project Manager at Flink (2019)
  • Started the Kingmaker blog, in which I share my findings and (mis)adventures as a Scrum master and Agile professional(2022)
  • Started as Agile coach at RailCube (2022)
  • A personal highlight: I facilitated a nomination and presentation of a Royal Dutch honor (2023)

About me

With over 18 years of experience in the software development industry, I bring a wealth of insight and practical know-how to any environment. My adventure kicked off in digital project management, spanning from game development and advertising to web development. Through the years, I’ve been part of numerous high-profile projects, sharpening my skills and building valuable connections.

A pivotal moment in my career came when I stumbled upon Scrum and agile methodologies. This discovery ignited a passion, allowing me to leverage my coaching, interpersonal, and change-agent abilities. Today, I thrive as an Agile Coach and Scrum Master. For me, growth isn’t just a goal—it’s a way of life. My personal ambition is clear: to teach and inspire future Agile enthusiasts.

Hailing from the north of the Netherlands, I hold pragmatism and action in high regard. Blending these values with the warmth and courtesy from my mixed heritage, I’ve crafted a management and leadership style that’s both powerful and nuanced.

According to the Myers-Briggs framework, I’m an ESFP, thriving on performance and entertainment. Teaching, coaching, and mentoring fuel my passion, with colleagues often dubbing me a 'catalyst' or 'the mortar between the bricks'. I invigorate teams by channelling individual passions into collective progress, always aiming for a harmonious workplace. Hostmanship and positive interpersonal interactions are my forte, often positioning me as a peacemaker.

Keenly observant of human behaviour, I stay attuned to unspoken needs and dynamics, with a knack for reading the room. I believe in fostering a sense of 'flow,' enhancing not only productivity but also self-efficacy for both myself and my team(s). My aim is to cultivate environments where everyone can reach their potential in a serene, conflict-free setting.

So, what makes me tick? A multitude of joys, really. Traveling the globe, sampling the finest cuisines. Or being a stay-at-home cat dad whipping up some snacks. Dominating friends and gods in MMORPGs, armed with a spear. Cycling through the dunes on a hot summer day. Penning a blog post, diving into a book, or crafting leather accessories. I embrace liberalism, humanism, transhumanism, and science. I've got a soft spot for idealistic and governmental communication. But I've got one glaring pet peeve: folks who skip salutations in emails.

Speaking of happiness: Alfred Hitchcock nailed it with his definition of happiness [video]. I thrive in constructive, creative atmospheres. Negativity? No, thanks.


Of course I would love to keep in touch. Contact me on LinkedIn or send me an e-mail through the button below.

  • LinkedIn